legal home bakery

Goin’ Legal – Pt 3: Extras

Pt 1 Pt 2 All those permits and licenses add up, for the record. I had some money to get going, but I also wanted to have food liability insurance for my bakery. Neither that nor the Cottage Food Operation permit are inexpensive, and I knew I also need some […]

Goin’ Legal – Pt 2 2

Part 1 Now for the big step of making my bakery legal… the Cottage Food Operation permit. It’s long, gang. Really long. Here are the parts: Attachments: If you’re on public water (you probably are), you have to attach a copy of your recent water bill. If you’re not, you […]

Goin’ Legal – Pt 1 1

I’ve been baking since I could reach the oven, I think. I’ve long joked that my mom is secretly Betty Crocker’s little sister, and she was teaching me how to make chocolate chip cookies and good old Southern red velvet cake as soon as she could (red velvet cake was […]