Making Gum Paste Flowers 2

*Bunneh Test Kitchen; not for sale*

Recently I decided I need to up my decorating game. Fondant and gum paste, I’m lookin’ at you. I always see pictures of very fancy cakes and cupcakes with gorgeous detailed decor, and think, I could totally do that. Except the times when I think, that will take me years and years to learn. But hey, we all start somewhere, right?

I started around 10pm one Friday night, armed with my brand-new Wilton Gum Paste Flower Cutter Set (complete with instructional booklet). Nothing quite like a good JoAnn coupon to get started on a new project. It turns out that making gum paste is a lot more difficult than I anticipated. I picked up a canister of gum paste mix, read the instructions, and figured it sounded easy. Sure, theoretically… but there’s a LOT of “elbow grease” involved. My arms were sore the whole next day from kneading that stuff, and kneading it some more, and kneading it even…. more…

I had to get a stool so I’d be higher than the counter and could put my whole body into it. Man, baking can be a real workout!

Once I finally got the stuff to the right consistency, I added color. Then I kneaded some more…

And finally got to roll it out and start cutting flowers! I also took some truly terrible pictures, but by the time I’d reached the photo-worthy part of my adventure, it was around midnight. Light was poor, I didn’t want to go rummaging for a better camera, and I was just tired.



These were fun and came out really pretty. I will definitely be devoting some time to getting better, and learning how to do “fancier” flowers!


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2 thoughts on “Making Gum Paste Flowers

    • bunneh Post author

      I’m definitely going to try that next time! Luckily, one batch makes quite a lot and it lasts for weeks in the fridge, so it’ll be a while before I have to go through the creation process again. 🙂 Thanks for the idea!!