
Halloween 2014: Candy Corn Cakes

*Bunneh baking for fun; not for sale* For the final bit of Halloween baking, I decided to revisit something I made last year: candy corn cakes. They came about largely because I bought a pan on sale, but with no idea of how I would use it, really. I mean, […]

Giant Birthday Cookie

A couple of weeks ago, it was my boyfriend’s daughter’s 4th birthday. She’s a very picky eater, so I asked her ahead of time if she wanted cake, cupcakes, cookies, or brownies for her birthday celebration. She picked chocolate chip cookies. I knew from past attempts at cookie decorating that […]

Super Bowl Cake Challenge: Completed! 2

*Bunneh baking for fun; not for sale* Okay, nobody actually challenged me to do this, except myself, but that still counts. So it’s Saturday, and I spent almost my entire day baking…   First a chocolate cake, which I tossed mini chocolate chips into at the last minute just for […]