Red velvet cake-in-a-jar 2

I made red velvet cake because I wanted to practice the frosting (it’s complicated when you do the weird boiled frosting I grew up with instead of the cream cheese frosting most people use). Not only did I still not get the frosting quite right (plus most people were confused and put off by it not being cream cheese frosting – poor Yankees), but also the cake deflated in the middle! I was so upset. I can’t serve a sad deflated cake. What to do?

Well, break up the cake and smush it into jars, that’s what! Perfect portions and easy to serve, not to mention how cute they look.

2013-08-18 20.56.23

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2 thoughts on “Red velvet cake-in-a-jar

  • Heather

    Oooh… does yours include white chocolate? We had a family recipe for frosting on red velvet cake that involved white chocolate and a double boiler. We lost the recipe years ago,
    which was a mini family tragedy. Could you send me the recipe if yours sounds similar?

    • bunneh Post author

      Awww. 🙁 Ours doesn’t involve white chocolate at all. And no double broiler – yikes! That sounds even more complicated than ours! Sorry I’m no help.